Fireweed - A Potential Powerhouse

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Ieva said…
Never knew that fireweed could be so useful or smell so nice and it is a very common plant where I grew up. My grandmother was using a lot of plants but always dismissing fireweed as a nuisaince. Always interesting to learn something new :) Thank You :)
LisaLise said…
Hello Leva - Isn't it amazing how much nature has to offer us? It's always more than we realize :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Lisa, wow, I had no idea of these benefits. Never worked with it, I guess, but I have some dried fireweed tops/flowers in my little tea storage. Thank you for these details. Many thanks, Johanna
LisaLise said…
HI Johanna - Oh yes., it is also a lovely tea :)
Idun said…
Where did you find this image of the fireweed? Does it belong to you?
LisaLise said…
Hi Idun — the photo at the top is a stockphoto that I paid to use. The photo of the dried plant is one I took.
Unknown said…
Hello! Thank you for this information! Have you ever tried making a hydrosol from the fireweed flowers? I’ve considered trying to make some as I have a copious amount of fireweed around my home. Thank you!
LisaLise said…
Hey there Unknown -- I would absolutely love to try doing a distillate with fireweed! It's on my to do list. I would love to hear how your hydrosol turns out if you decide to make it!