Sneaky Peeky and a Freebie!
You guys are really the best.
You've been hounding me (in a super good way) ever since Get Started Making Plant Extracts for Your Cosmetics came out a mere moment ago:
When is the next book ready?
Do you have a guide on the different types of extracts?
I want to start making an oil infusion RIGHT NOW - do you have a step by step on that?
Well, guess what. I put a guide together just for you.
Not only that, I'm going to give it to you ABSOLUTELY FREE!
(that's cuz I think you're the coolest)
For the rest of this month, there is a free copy of Three Extracts Guide with every purchase of 'Get Started Making Plant Extracts for Your Cosmetics'.
The Three Extracts Guide is 18 pages and not even available in the shop as a separate product yet (nor will it be until next year), so not only are you getting a FREEBIE, but you're also getting a SNEAKY PEEKY!
You: Oh nooooooooooo!!! I already bought the book!
Don't Panic!
You are the reason this guide even exists, so if you contact me RIGHT HERE (and remember to include your order number so I can find you in the system), I will personally send you a free copy of the Three Extracts Guide.Personally.
With hugs and happy thoughts.
You (as I imagine it):
Now then, go have a fun day!
And if you want to get busy ordering this special offer, please visit this page
Thanks for hounding me in such a nice way.
PS: Speaking of freebies - check this weeks sponsor (in the menu bar) for a free guide