Interesting blog post Lise! I had the pleasure of attending a talk by the Director of Science from IFRA two years ago. In that talk he basically admitted that there had been only one population study looking at the reaction to sensitisers in essential oils and that it was already quite old. Nonetheless, policy makers decided that sensitivity to fragrance allergens is increasing and that they should therefore force the listing of more than the 26. This discussion has been ongoing for many years now but we're no closer to having a clear answer on it. I wrote this article after attending his talk:
The other interesting point is that I've seen Robert Tisserand mention that he thinks the actual population level reaction to essential oil sensitisers might be as much as a factor of ten lower than the 'official' 2% estimates. There is a LOT of research required for this topic and of course this doesn't make life any easier for people who do have a genuine fragrance allergen sensitivity. Patch tests are currently done on about 40 allergens, so what will people have to endure when they increase the list to 100+ sensitisers?!
I'm with you here. I'm so sensitive that I can't use any shop-bought shampoos nor conditioners as they turn my scalp burning bright red! I have to bypass the (synthetic) perfume area of department stores as the fumes go straight to my chest and make me cough. I couldn't use any shop-bought face or body creams either as they always gave me an instant itchy rash. That is partly why I turned to making my own shampoos, conditioners, hair tamers and of course face and body creams and various other products. (I've even formulated a cream my son can use on his psoriasis that calms it, after his having tried so many shop-bought ones that didn't work and usually aggravated it.) I liberally use essential oils in all my products (even my son's) and I make my own perfumes with them and I've never had any problems. I diffuse them too. My daughter, who's allergic to just about everything, can use my products with essential oils in - and loves them! Of course this is just my experience but it adds to the picture.
I very much appreciate all the information you've made available to us and I love it that you dare to question science!
You make some excellent points Lise! One person's reaction can be totally different to another's. I, unfortunately, am one of the "lucky" few who has very negative reactions to using some essential oils and "natural" ingredients. In the beginning of my DIY journey, I tried lavender essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, beeswax, and honey in different topical applications - all with very bad consequences. My throat closed up and I spent lots of money being treated for severe allergic reaction. I have learned to be especially careful with any ingredient considered "natural" because, for me, assuming something is safe has proven to be quite disastrous. I also don't discount an ingredient just because it's synthetic, because some work better for me than a "natural" alternative. While I do understand the point you are trying to make, encouraging people in the opinion that natural is safer or better is not always true for everybody. Believe me, how I wish it was!! It would make DIying so much easier!
Interesting article. However, there are people who react to either or both. This was the most recent pubmed study on essential oil allergy reactions. I'm not saying you might not have a point, however, you need to learn the leech rate, the length of the tests conducted, time the material is kept in the tubes and more. Until those pieces of information are correlated as well, it is speculation. That said, you could request a study to be conducted by a research facility if you have access to one. Then perhaps these things can be set aside and better testing conducted. There will always be more to learn. And as my science always quoted, "Arsenic is natural, but I don't recommend it to be taken internally or externally."
First I need to say that science is not absolutely 100% right about anything - every knowledge is relative, and no research can observe every possible variables.
Secondly, even if I am like Lise myself (I can tolerate essential oils much better than synthetical perfums), I know some people cannot tolerate neither of them. For example, if you are really allergic for mold, you might tolerate no scents at all. We are all different and we might react differently to same things.
@Heather - Thanks for your input! I think you and I could go shopping together - we would avoid the same places! :D
@Belinda - Oh dear! It sounds like you have the worst of it not tolerating either or! You are quite right in that some synthetic ingredients are better tolerated by the super sensitive. It sounds like you have learned how to deal with everything in the best way possible. Good for you!
@Signe - You are absolutely on point. We are indeed all different which makes it a huge challenge for formulators and developers of medicine. Thanks for your input!
@Cynnara - thanks for the link and input. If you read Lorraines comment above, it seems I am not the only one claiming there is not enough information available on past tests to know about reliability. I would love to request a study done but I imagine the first question would be *who's paying for it?*. I am unfortunately unable to carry the cost of such a study. :)
I don't have a link to share with you but I would just like to say that I am one of the lucky people who has SEVERE reactions to both synthetic perfumes and essential oils.
There are some other products however that are not "scented" where it is better for me to have a synthetic version than a natural version because I have so many allergies and sensitivities (soy and coconut are two that are in a lot of "natural" products) but it is hard to find natural hair products for example without essential oils and they do cause serious rashes for me as well as migraines etc. Just my experience.
The other interesting point is that I've seen Robert Tisserand mention that he thinks the actual population level reaction to essential oil sensitisers might be as much as a factor of ten lower than the 'official' 2% estimates. There is a LOT of research required for this topic and of course this doesn't make life any easier for people who do have a genuine fragrance allergen sensitivity. Patch tests are currently done on about 40 allergens, so what will people have to endure when they increase the list to 100+ sensitisers?!
I'm with you here. I'm so sensitive that I can't use any shop-bought shampoos nor conditioners as they turn my scalp burning bright red! I have to bypass the (synthetic) perfume area of department stores as the fumes go straight to my chest and make me cough. I couldn't use any shop-bought face or body creams either as they always gave me an instant itchy rash. That is partly why I turned to making my own shampoos, conditioners, hair tamers and of course face and body creams and various other products. (I've even formulated a cream my son can use on his psoriasis that calms it, after his having tried so many shop-bought ones that didn't work and usually aggravated it.) I liberally use essential oils in all my products (even my son's) and I make my own perfumes with them and I've never had any problems. I diffuse them too. My daughter, who's allergic to just about everything, can use my products with essential oils in - and loves them! Of course this is just my experience but it adds to the picture.
I very much appreciate all the information you've made available to us and I love it that you dare to question science!
Heather x
Secondly, even if I am like Lise myself (I can tolerate essential oils much better than synthetical perfums), I know some people cannot tolerate neither of them. For example, if you are really allergic for mold, you might tolerate no scents at all. We are all different and we might react differently to same things.
@Belinda - Oh dear! It sounds like you have the worst of it not tolerating either or! You are quite right in that some synthetic ingredients are better tolerated by the super sensitive. It sounds like you have learned how to deal with everything in the best way possible. Good for you!
@Signe - You are absolutely on point. We are indeed all different which makes it a huge challenge for formulators and developers of medicine. Thanks for your input!
There are some other products however that are not "scented" where it is better for me to have a synthetic version than a natural version because I have so many allergies and sensitivities (soy and coconut are two that are in a lot of "natural" products) but it is hard to find natural hair products for example without essential oils and they do cause serious rashes for me as well as migraines etc. Just my experience.