How To - Aromatherapeutic Smelling Salts


Signe said…
Lovely idea! Might need one or two for myself too - this dark, cold and really wet weather is so awful that I'd need something that makes spirit better.:)
LisaLise said…
Hi Signe - I recommend geranium and lemon for battling winter blues. Have fun with it!
María said…
I cannot help but thinking in 19th century ladies using scented salts to recover from faint xD.
What a lovely idea!
Anonymous said…
How long about do these last? Or stay fresh without the EOs oxidizing?
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon - Great question! I used mine for about a year before discarding them but how long they last will of course depend on how they are stored and in what type of climate. I live in Scandinavia so it's pretty cool here compared to countries near the equator.