Which One Do You Want?

Sooo, while my stockroom is only semi-accessible (packed in boxes), I decided to compensate for the limited lab access by sorting through notes and catching up on some writing. Then I noticed how big the how-to page on this blog has gotten.

Idea strikes.

These could be reorganized and made into an e-book.

Or 2.

Uh oh.

New project brewing.

Uncontrollable thoughts swirling...

  • some of the older how-to's will need updating 
  • new pictures would be cool to have for some 
  • it would be smart to have a section with grams/ounces conversion tables and charts for measurements and weights 
  • an 'about the ingredients' section might be a good idea
  • a new layout could tie the look together
  • an FAQ section would be good
  • oh! must add a troubleshooting section

And because I love the great feedback I get from you - my fabulous readers, I think you should have a thing or 2 to say about this!

Which One Do You Want? 

So, tell me. Which e-book of how-to's would you be interested in? There's a poll right where that finger up there is pointing (you'll need to visit the web-version to find it if you are reading this on a mobile device).

And if you would be interested in more than one, feel free to tick off as many as you please.

Anything else you'd like to see included? Please drop a comment below. I'm all ears (well, eyes, but you get the picture).

THANK YOU for your input!


María said…
Oufffffffff. Decisions, decisions... I like the how-tos, a lot. And also the scientific information about a specific ingredient (I absolutely adore your posts about the parabens).
Hope this helps :)
María said…
Oufffffffff. Decisions, decisions... I like the how-tos, a lot. And also the scientific information about a specific ingredient (I absolutely adore your posts about the parabens).
Hope this helps :)
LisaLise said…
thank you Maria - I shall be smiling all weekend now :)
alicyn said…
i limited myself to voting for 2/6, but honestly i am interested in all of them!
Nanette said…
Thanks for asking for our input. I'm a recent addition to your blog (via Swifty Crafty Monkey). One quick perusal and I was hooked!

The "troubleshooting" section grabbed my attention. Hmm, but so did all the others. Glad they're not my decisions. I did vote to help out, though. What an undertaking!

Best wishes on the endeavor.
Unknown said…
It was too hard to choose so I selected all six topics :(. Really enjoy your blog and always look forward to reading the latest from you.

Thanks so much.