cKc Cleanse - Feedback and Fun

Oh my gosh. Sometimes the gorgeous curlies that test (and use) my products just blow me away with their fabulous, heartfelt feedback. I asked Marjolein if I could share her words about the cKc Cleanse shampoo with you as is, and she said yes!


I hand you over to this lovely lady.

cKc Cleanse shampoo 3B hair review

by Marjolein

Defined curls + no knots... :))))))


The shampoo came packaged together with an INCI card and a businesscard. They were sturdily wrapped and boxed. The white tube has a nice fliptop and you can squeeze the shampoo out and dose it easy. I have long hair so i use around a grape sized amount


The shampoo is a bit more liquid than commercial shampoos i know, but it is nice and thick compared to natural shampoos.
It is faint yellowish in colour and clear. A hint of peppermint odour.

During shower

AFter massaging the shampoo into the scalp i rinse and let it cleanse my long hair. First thing i noticed was my curly hair did not feel brittle (!) it felt very soft and smooth. So i did not panic into grasping for my conditioner and my deep conditioner right away. Great!

After shower

After toweldrying my hair i noticed that the smooth feeling hair did not weigh down, my curls were already there in the wet hair, and even more in the toweldry hair. I never blowdry or heat my curls to prevent damage.
Most importantly.. almost no knots!!!!

Dried hair

My hair dried very quick compared to my old shampoos. Nice! it wont take 24 hours to dry! And i have amazing coherent coily soft curls...

After first Use

The LisaLise CKC worked right away, I expected it could take like 3 uses before I did expect .. anything but it was a nice surprise I was treated on great bouncy hair after the first use!

Use week

More curls, my drier outer hair is now tamed too.. people comment on my hair even..

Use 2 weeks

I went swimming and panicked because i forgot to bring the CKC with me and i had to use a commercial shampoo. Big time knot problem afterwards, my hair was ok though after conditioning it two times and putting moisturizing spray and defrizzing and styling stuff in it.

Use after swimming

I have dry curly hair so i have to condition it, but i don't triple condition anymore! which is a major thing for it takes less time+effort to get my curls in order.


I loved testing this CKC shampoo, i am pretty much hooked. My hair is in better shape, more moisturized and coilier.

One fun thing: a curl is a hairstrand of grouped hairs .. I noticed more hairs get together and form a curl, so my curls got a bit ‘bigger’ compared to my wild all-hairs-curl-together-in-one-big-mess old curly hair

(i have long hair so more hairs together is much more weight on a curl 'cluster’). Coils anyone? :)

No longer a wild plushy 3B mess :)

THANK YOU Marjolein!!


Marjolein said…
I was thrilled! More than welcome .. Honoured to test this for you!!!
LisaLise said…
Marjolein I am so pleased this shampoo works well for your curls. :)