Happy 2014!
I can hardly believe how fast last year went.
I blinked.
It was gone.
Suddenly, here we are in the beginning of a brand new year – full of hope, expectations, and wonderment – a little like what can be seen in the sweet little face above.
Still Coming Up
There are stillexfoliation – what's best
how an artifical sweetener can soothe an itchy scalp
a natural sun protectant (forgive me Alicyn - this really is taking an age!)
... and there's more stuff like:
castile soap – what's it all about
kokum butter
lotion bars with almond butter
how dirt can cleanse (really - and I promise to show you)
And then there are all these constant new things that keep popping up and demanding instant attention. I don't think there will be any lack of subject material any time soon.
Happy New Year! I hope you'll be joining me for all kinds of skin and hair care fun!