Robot Raid
Rikke wrote me the other day and mentioned that she always enjoyed reading but that it was a bit of a chore to leave a comment from a mobile device due to the 'captcha' window popping up and asking you to 'prove you aren't a robot'.
Personally, I'm not crazy about having to jump through all kinds of online hoops to leave comments on blogs either, so I decided to untick the function to see if it mattered all that much.
Within an hour, there were 17 spam comments – in numerous languages and each packed with links to everything from car tune-ups to housing development to porn sites.
'Maybe it will let up' I thought and left the setting untouched for a few days.
It didn't let up – at all.
It got worse.
I caved after 3 days and put up the 'captcha' thingy again. The raid of robots was making it necessary to sort through and delete spam comments several times a day.
I am amazed at how effective this little function is at stopping the army of spam-commenting-robots just waiting to attack if the 'robot-shield' is lowered.
I'm sorry Rikke, and everyone else who curses the captcha window. I really want you all to be able to leave a comment easily, but there are just too many rude-mannered robots out there.
I am, however, open to suggestions if anyone has any input on how to improve the comments situation. And if you don't want to leave a comment here, please feel free to email me directly. My information is on the sidebar.
Tak for din tålmodighed!