Second Skin Body Frappé Giveaway Winners

Body Frappé winners! Yay! Ready to wing its way to the winners are 5 pots of Second Skin Body Frappé.

Shall we proceed with the name picking ceremony?

For this very momentous occasion, everyone's comment was printed out, folded and placed upon a pillow that was ceremoniously carried to the awaiting neutral and very unbiased hand doing the winner-picking. (The hand belongs to my husband).

Here is his unbiased and very neutral hand picking the first name. I always make him look the other way to ensure complete neutrality – he only grumbles a little bit about not being able to see what he's doing.

And there are the winning names! yay!

Congratulations to:
Caroline L
Debi P
Anna Rose Iversen
Olivia J
Jo Campbell

Please send me your postal address ( quick as a bunny so I can get these skin smoothing goodies in the mail to you!

Want to read a bit more about Second Skin Body Frappé? Find it at my website right here.

Have a smooth-skinned day!


Pascale(ThePlanet) said…
Congrats to all the lucky winners!!
Olivia J said…
what? Did I win? Did I win?
LisaLise said…
Yes Olivia J - you won! Congrats!
Jo Campbell said…
Wow, never expected to be one of the winners. Can't wait to try this product :-)
LisaLise said…
Congrats Jo! Your Frappé is in the mail!