Soap-free Face Cleansing Bar in a Jar

This plain looking container is holding my latest soap-free cleanser – still under development, but really really close to being ready.

The idea for this product came to me from one of my cleansing bars.


I was inspired by one of my own ideas. 

To be quite honest, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing...

Let's not dwell.

Back to the Cleanser

After using (and loving) clay cleansing bars for well over a year, I decided to try and create a 'jar version' – one that was soft, but not so soft that the solids would settle on the bottom. It also had to be able to survive 'normal use' (read: no refrigeration etc etc).

What's in it

This version has a mix of butters, oils, clay, oats, and essential oils. Because this product needs to survive 'normal' use, a preservative is also added.

How it Works

This oatmeal/clay combo cleanses beautifully and gives the same feel and result as a soap free cleansing bar - but it's easier and a bit handier to use.

Batch 3 Ongoing

Here is the jar I am using at the moment. The oats and clay remain evenly distributed, the texture is rich and creamy, and even after serious misuse, it just behaves like a champ.

Serious Misuse - in Detail

When developing new products, I will purposefully do 'all the things one isn't supposed to do'. This is to test how both packaging and product will hold up under everyday, normal use.

I will do things like:
  • dip fingers directly into the mixture 
  • drip water into the jar 
  • dip wet, drippy, and dirty fingers into the mixture
  • drop the jar repeatedly
  • juggle and toss the jar around 
  • leave the jar open over a period of time (usually 3-4 days)
  • leave the jar in a hot, sunny window sill for a period of time
and there's more, but you get the idea.

Tester Phase

If the product and packaging hold up under this kind of treatment, I will start inviting my regular testers to give the product a whirl.

At this point, I usually also have an idea of what to name the product.

Except this time I don't seem to have a clue.

(This from the person who just admitted to being inspired by herself. Go figure)

Even though the idea originated from cleansing bars, calling it Bar-in-a-Jar just doesn't seem fitting for this product...
Creamy Oatmeal Cleanser?
Soap-Free Oat Cream Cleanser?
No-Soap Oat & Clay Cleanser?

What do you think?

Cleansing Bars

Visit the How-to page for an overview of the DIY cleansing bars on this blog 


Jana said…
I've been using something like this, i saw cleansing balms everywhere so i just had to make one of my own and it works really well :) I like the idea of Creamy oatmeal cleanser, would definitely use it :) x
amanda said…
If it smells even remotely sweet.. Oatmeal Cookie Batter Cleanser!

It totally looks like you need to eat it off a spoon or bake it.
LisaLise said…
@Jana - thanks for your vote of Creamy Oatmeal cleanser. :D

@amanda - teehee- nope it doesn't smell like cookies. there is lavender and bergamot essential oil in this batch, so it doesn't smell even remotely edible. But I do like your idea! Thanks!
mary said…
This looks so neat! I am all about non-soap cleansers and I haven't seen anything like this.
LisaLise said…
HI Mary - You might want to visit the How To page. There is an overview of soap-free cleansing bars. Also, the Cleansing Bar Catalog has versions of soap free cleansers from around the world. have fun!
Anonymous said…