Manly Mists - Colin's Toner(s)

Objective: create a skin toner for Cosmetic Scientist Colin Sanders – Mr. Beauty Scientist himself! Result: shown above. You're not seeing double, I made two. Even though they have 2 different names, they are 'same-but-different' (read: same active ingredients, but 2 completely different hydrosol bases).

What's Different in the Bases
One of the advantages of working with hydrosols: several different combinations can achieve the same desired effect (toning, moisturizing, cleansing, calming, etc). Like essential oils, hydrosols can be combined endlessly. The fun part: every combination will deliver a unique scent experience.

The 'Herbal Male Mist' is based on a mix of lemon balm and lemon verbena and has a 'spicy-fresh-lemony-green' scent.

The 'Manly Man Mist' is a mix of Frankincense, Orange, Rose, and Aloe Vera. This combination was inspired by Colin's mention of a favorite cream that contained similar ingredients. This toner has a resiny-smooth scent with an undertone of almond.

The Actives
Colin described his skin as 'normal to slightly dry'. To balance the skin (and complement the effect of the hydrosols), I added a few extras:

  • Cucumber extract: for its toning and calming properties.
  • Panthenol: great for both skin and hair (including facial hair).
  • Fig, flax, and cottonseed extracts: for their moisture-binding properties.

My hope: He will fall in love with both toners and have a hard time choosing which he prefers.

Why a Spray-on Toner? 
Because I have as yet to meet a fellow who would feel comfortable about doing the whole 'dampen-cotton-round-with-toner-then-swipe-across-face' thing, it seemed a logical choice to package these toners in spray bottles.

Personally, I find spray-on toner works just as well (if not better), is loads easier to use, and no product goes to waste. (reading that last sentence back made me realize I must really be much in touch with 'my male side')

And they're Off!
The toners have been packaged and sent.

Now it's all a question of waiting.

Excited? Nervous? Worried? Me?

I'm calm and cool as a cucumber.



More Related to this Mini-Case Study
From Colin:
Does Everyone Need a Skin Care Regime?
What Does a Skin Toner Do For You?
I am Getting my own Personalised Toner

From me:
Formulating for a Formulator


Laura said…
Hi Lisa, I think those toners sound positively luscious, I mean purely practical (trying to describe them in a manly manner). When I read his post on toners I felt he was missing the opportunity that they afford. I see them as one more way to get some actives onto my skin. There are so many wonderful ingredients to try and it is hard to fit them into one cream or serum in a high enough dose if you are just cleansing than using a moisturiser. Can't wait to see what he thinks of them. Laura.
LisaLise said…
Thanks so much Laura - it sounds a lot like you and I are on the same page when it comes to toners! :)
Rikke said…
Ummmm det' luxus!

Kh Rikke
LisaLise said…
Ih tak Rikke - man er alligevel lidt nervøs over hvad dommen bliver! (Mænd er jo så pokkers/dejlig ærlige!)
Rikke said…
Jeg ved, du har taget på dem.

Nyder stadig duften af din soothing lotion. Bruger kun tiny-lidt hver gang.
LisaLise said…
Dejligt! Glæder mig også til at høre om dine 'emulsionsoplevelser' når du er klar :)