DIY Make-up Tips: A New Mini-Series

Every time people discover I do my own make-up, I get the same look of disbelief – "is that even possible?" I hear them thinking.

It really is.

"Like, foundation, blush, eyeliner, lip pencils, concealer, lip gloss, eyebrow pencils, mascara, mineral make-up, kohl liners and pressed eye shadow?" They then ask (but not always in that order).


It's fun, works just as well (if not better) than store-bought, and it's not even that difficult. Honest engine.

I started doing my own make-up a fair while ago. Through my many trials and (gazillions of) errors, I've learned a few things about DIY make-up. I've decided to share some of my best make-up making tips with you. These are going to be things I really wish someone had blogged about when I was starting out (read: back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and the 'it' color was pink).

My Mission is a Simple One

- to inspire you to try making your own make-up too

My Ulterior Motive

- to meet more make-up makers and share experiences

Whether you're a complete newbie, semi-practiced, or an old hand at making your own make-up, I hope you will find this upcoming mini-series of tips inspiring and useful.

And for it to be really useful, I will need something from you – your questions – all of them! Drop a comment below and I'll do my best to answer. 

(Come to think of it – isn't pink STILL the 'it' color?)


Ben and Melanie said…
I would Love to order some of your products... But cant quite figure out how and prices U.S. dollar! We also have a little guy with Down Syndrome that has many skin issues and eczema. Lavender helps A Lot but I feel as though there is still something I am missing.
LisaLise said…
Hey there Ben and Melanie,

You can either go through the contact page at my website, or write me an email ( Look forward to hearing from you :)
alicyn said…
as someone who has never made makeup and doesn't wear much anyway, these are my two questions:

1) what's the easiest/cheapest place to start?

2) how do you give makeup extra skin-protecting or -enhancing oomph?

i mainly use lip balms, black mascara and eyeliners, and occasionally lipsticks for lips/blush.
Starfire said…
Sorry to say I have never heard of an "honest engine" lol! Honest Injun is the colloquialism.
Love your blog and tips.
Thank you for all the inspiration.
LisaLise said…
Thanks Starfire! You are the first to notice my 'take' on this expression. For that, you get a gold star :)
LisaLise said…
Alicyn- Thanks for your most excellent questions! I will include in an upcoming post :)