No Sweat - About Aluminium and Antiperspirants


Unknown said…
Thank you for a VERY informative post!
LisaLise said…
You are most welcome Liis! Thanks for reading :)
Rikke said…
SÃ¥ er jeg mere rolig. Tak for oplysningerne :-)

Kh Rikke
LisaLise said…
Du er da noget så velkommen søde Rikke! :)
Anonymous said…
Hello, just wanted to say that I find your posts really informative and well written, it really helped me a lot in my personal researches of natural and gentler products, so thank you a lot :) But I just have a question; you said that potassium alum has no aluminium in it, but I heard that it has, as "alum" would be "aluminium". Is it safe?
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon - It's incorrect to say potassium alum is free of aluminum – potassium alum is the potassium double sulphate of aluminum. Naturally occurring potassium alum is free of aluminum hydrochloride, while the synthetic version contains aluminum hydrochloride which can be a mild skin irritant. You ask if it is safe. I have extremely sensitive skin and have no trouble with it. This (obviously) doesn't qualify as a guarantee of its safety though. I hope this was some help.
Unknown said…
Just wanted to add that they used to put a lot more aluminum in products until the scare started and it was mandated they put in less and they did, although this is going a few years back, in the 90's I believe.
LisaLise said…
Thanks Sollena -- it wouldn't be the first time the industry reformulated a product due to public concern.