Going Native vs The Luxury Factor

I admit I'm a slave to luxury. But I am also a fan of going native (read: back to the basics – green, natural, plant-based, free of unnecessary additives – you get the idea).

Problem is, these 2 don't often mix.

Take honey for instance.

Sexy, No? Uhm... No. 

Pictured, a typical container of organic, cold-slung honey as one finds it in any local Copenhagen supermarket. Because of the (inferior) way it is designed, it takes less than a nanosecond after opening to turn the lid and entire edge of the container into a sticky mess.

Yeah, So?

I use honey straight up as a facial cleanser many mornings, so the face cleansing routine will invariably start in the kitchen – dipping a spoon into this container, trying to dose the correct amount without getting it all over, running to the bathroom to apply, back to the kitchen with the spoon (and to close the container left open on the counter). All in all, it's a bit messy, annoying, and there's far too much running around.

I love how honey cleanses (and tastes) but there's absolutely no luxury factor involved in running to the kitchen to dip into this sticky jar.

I know what you're thinking: "Well, bring the jar into the bathroom, silly!"

Sorry, no. That doesn't cut it for a beast of luxury such as myself. I need oomph, sexiness, and more wow factor.

This situation had to be dealt with.

So I dealt with it.

Feeding the Luxury Beast

I pulled out a brand new tottle (combination tube/bottle such as the one you see here) and filled it with honey. This was definitely an improvement. This container provided an ideal way to dispense the correct amount with no spoons, no mess and no clean-up.

But after a few days of use, this plain-looking tottle just wasn't doing it for me. I'm sure you agree: there's not a lot of wow factor here.

There was nothing for it but to get to work on designing, making, and applying a label.

Ha! Fooled Myself!

Even though I designed this label myself and pasted it onto the container I had filled myself – and even though I am still fully aware that it's exactly the same honey as before – it now looks and feels fancy enough to satisfy the luxury beast in me.

It is also now worthy of a spot on the bathroom shelf.

I know it's silly, but there it is. Luxury factor for honey face cleanser status: acceptable.

PS: Here's how to use honey to cleanse your face.

Do Tell

Are you as silly about details such as packaging as I am?


Rikke said…
Åh altså Lise. Du er ikke alene. Alle de år, jeg har har lavet mine egne cremer og andre hudplejesager, har jeg misundeligt stået og sukket, når jeg har set alle de labre luksusbeholdere i diverse parfumerier. Jeg har delvist løst "problemet" ved at arve luksusbeholdere fra "almindelige mennesker", der køber dyre mærker.

Ja, vi er nemme at narre ;-)

Kh Rikke
LisaLise said…
Tak Rikke. Man føler sig en smule idiotisk en gang imellem når man går sådan op i inpakning og præsentation. Det glæder mig helt vildt at jeg ikke er alene om det!
Sacha said…
Nu har jeg ikke efterladt nogen kommentar før så jeg ville bare lige starte med at rose din blog, den er super god. Jeg har været igang med at gøre mine skønhedsrutiner mere naturlige og enkle i løbet af de sidste to måneder og er rigtig glad for det, men ligesom du nævner så synes jeg også at der til tider mangler lidt luksus, derfor ville jeg høre hvordan du laver dine labels, altså er det noget bestemt klistermærkepapir du køber og er det noget man kan købe som privatperson, eller skal der en bestemt maskine/printer til? Det kunne være rart med lidt flotte labels i badeværelsesskabet :-)

Mvh Sacha
LisaLise said…
Hej Sacha - hyggeligt at hilse på dig, og mange tak for de rosende ord! Jeg bruger nogle labels fra fabrikanten Avery som hedder 'heavy duty' (der står også 'extreme resistance' på pakken). De findes i helark A4 str. Jeg køber dem hos kontorforsyning og har vist også set dem hos en boghandel. De kan simpelthen tåle ALT, men koster altså også en lille bondegaard (mener at det er flere hundrede kroner for en pakke med 10 ark). Jeg kører dem igennem en ret så stor sag af en printer som evt også er med til at de kan holde på farven. Fordi de er så smadderdyre, laver jeg en tetris-opstilling af de forskellige labels hver gang jeg skal bruge et ark. Jeg ville ønske de havde samme type i klar, men de der heavy-duty findes kun i hvid. Håber dette var til hjælp!
Lola Zabeth said…
Lise, you are reading my mind! I just started washing my face with honey about 3 days ago. I use my honey in the kitchen for my tea, then I carry the same jar to the bathroom for my face. Not cute or sexy.
I'm going to follow you lead and get a cute dispenser to keep in the bathroom. Great tip!
LisaLise said…
Thanks Lola! I'm so pleased this post is striking a chord in others. I really feel silly about my attitude towards packaging sometimes. I wonder if guys are the same as us gals about these things? :)
Boony said…
OMG I feel exactly the same way! I have saved one of the manuka honey jars I had and refilled it with regular organic honey instead and put that in the bathroom so I don't have to run back and forth (if I had to do that, I'd never use it). But it still gets messy and sticky. Can I buy one of those beautiful tottles from you next time I see you?! :)
LisaLise said…
you shall have a labeled tottle ready and waiting :)
Stephanie said…
Yes, I too get creative with decanting stuff (though not as pretty as you do!). I often save favorite beauty-care bottles to refill with my own concoctions or bulk-bought things.
When I do a honey wash though, I just apply it right in the kitchen! :)
LisaLise said…
Thanks Stephanie! I actually saved all kinds of beauty containers back in the day when I started doing my own cosmetics as well--- at one point though, the luxury beast just took over and I decided it was time to find something that didn't have someone elses name on it. :)