Whatever Lola Wants...
Hopefully, Lola gets!
Lola Zabeth has a passion for natural hair care. She blogs about it at LolasGreenHair. I have become completely addicted to reading her blog, and am learning all kinds of things about the trials and tribulations of caring for super-curly hair. My goodness there are a lot of things to deal with (read: battle) when you have coily or kinky hair.
It would appear there is a whole area of hair care that is being completely neglected by the industry.
Are we going to put up with that?! NO!
This is a first in my world: a dual-blogging case study. We are going to try to create a few hair care products that will nourish, pamper and (hopefully) solve the constant tangle and knot problem that curly-haired ladies are battling. This will be the first time I won't be able to test my products on myself (well, I can and will, but it certainly won't be much of an indicator..)
Now, onwards and upwards! To Hair Perfection Victory! (insert whooshing sound from flapping superhero capes here)
PS: For an explanation of the picture at the top of this page, read Lolas first posting about this project right here
PPS. To hear the song that has been haunting me for the past 24 hours, listen to Sarah Vaughans beautiful rendition of Whatever Lola Wants right here
Lola Zabeth has a passion for natural hair care. She blogs about it at LolasGreenHair. I have become completely addicted to reading her blog, and am learning all kinds of things about the trials and tribulations of caring for super-curly hair. My goodness there are a lot of things to deal with (read: battle) when you have coily or kinky hair.
Picture This Shampoo Commercial
I've seen a gazillion shampoo commercials in my time. They flash all kinds of hair around – locks of shiny blonde, brunette, red, and black hair are whipped past the camera. Every single one of the models has long, thick, lustrous hair, but it's either straight or only slightly wavy. I've NEVER seen a shampoo (or conditioner or hair coloring) commercial with a super-curly-haired lady in it – EVER.It would appear there is a whole area of hair care that is being completely neglected by the industry.
Are we going to put up with that?! NO!
Ladies and Gents, Never Fear! Lola and I Shall Solve Every Imaginable Hair Problem on The Entire Planet!
OK, I may be getting ahead of myself, but we can't just sit around waiting for the industry to wake up and smell the guar gum. We are therefore taking matters into our own hands. Lola and I are putting our heads together and have a mission.This is a first in my world: a dual-blogging case study. We are going to try to create a few hair care products that will nourish, pamper and (hopefully) solve the constant tangle and knot problem that curly-haired ladies are battling. This will be the first time I won't be able to test my products on myself (well, I can and will, but it certainly won't be much of an indicator..)
Now, onwards and upwards! To Hair Perfection Victory! (insert whooshing sound from flapping superhero capes here)
PS: For an explanation of the picture at the top of this page, read Lolas first posting about this project right here
PPS. To hear the song that has been haunting me for the past 24 hours, listen to Sarah Vaughans beautiful rendition of Whatever Lola Wants right here
Kh Rikke
ps: god sang og woooosh!
@Lola - My superhero partner! We shall do great things! (and if they aren't all that great, then at least we shall learn great things as we go!) :)
I do still have occasional tangles which i take care off with coconut oil.
the only problem is my mom complains my hair looks greasy. which to me it does not look or feel greasy. It's shiny and soft and frizz and tangle free.
I would love however to join and and report back on the effects! just let us know what you are thinking of testing.
*Mini rant* I really wish people would understand the curly hair has to be a tiny bit greasy or else it will be frizzy. guess which i prefer? *end mini rant*
I would love to hear back from you on this. :)
Jeg har selv rigtig mange krøller - its a gift and a curse ;)
Og der mangler virkelig seriøse hårprodukter til den type hår. Giv mig et hårprodukt som samler krøllerne og samtidig løfter.
Glæder mig til at høre nærmere om jeres team-work verdens krøllede kvinder har brug for jer ;)