Whipped Freebie Butter - Feedback on Batch 2
Here's an update on the Whipped Freebie Butter Batch 2 Giveaway that took place in the beginning of June.
Also, I'd love your input before the next batch and giveaway takes place.
The Feedback on Batch 2
Both my regular testers and the winners of batch 2 were given a few questions about the product. The age range of this group spans from 20-something to 60-something with equally diverse skin types. Here are the results.
The Look
Everyone agreed that the look was appealing.
The Scent
It was an even split. Half loved it and felt like eating it, and the other half didn't like it.
Ease of Use
Everyone agreed that this butter is difficult to use. The consistency is too hard/stiff in the container, making it troublesome to get out. A couple of gals had used similar butter-type products before and instinctively heat-activated the product in their hands before applying.
I got a good mix of answers here (and no one was tempted to give me joke answers like 'in the bathroom'). This butter has been applied to:
- lips
- lips
- neck and chest area
- arms
- knees and elbows
- feet
- face
Collected Impressions
- My skin feels toned- Feels too heavy and doesn't seem to want to sink in
- Love that it is only 2 ingredients
- Love the concept – not crazy about this product, but still want to try the next batch
- Feels a bit greasy for my skin. I think this would be better on a drier skin type
- Deeply moisturizing - my skin feels like it has been 'fed'
- This stuff rocks for feet
Thank you!
Thank you ladies for your valuable input! From your feedback it's clear that the absolute biggest challenge is getting the consistency softer and easier to work with. (This doesn't surprise me too terribly much – with butters, texture is almost everything).
As for the 50/50 feedback on the scent, I am now considering trying a more neutral-scented oil for the next batch, but am still not sure. What's the best thing to do?
The best person to answer this? You!
Do you like the idea of a nougat-scented body butter? Or would you choose a more neutral scent? What would your ideal body butter scent be? Please take the poll on the right side of the page (or drop a comment below if your ideal scent isn't listed among the polls choices).
As soon as I have your valuable input, I will get started on the next batch and giveaway (10 winners next time).
Thank you!!
As soon as I have your valuable input, I will get started on the next batch and giveaway (10 winners next time).
Thank you!!
Jeg har stemt på musk, men hvad med at lade olien trække med vanille et stykke tid - det vil give en liflig duft, som jeg tror, er meget vellidt. Men ok, det bliver dyrt...
Kh Rikke
Ville lige smide en kommentar.
Jeg var en af testerne, som godt kunne lide den naturlige duft af hasselnød og kakaosmør. Efter min mening bør man lave ingredienslisten så kort som mulig - og eftersom de to ingredienser allerede kommer med deres ens duft, så synes jeg det er ærgerligt at maskere den ved at tilsætte en ny.
Hvis bodybutteren havde haft ingredienser fra citrus eller blomster, så kunne en duft være i den retning. Men for det her batch med kakaosmør/hasselnødolie synes jeg at den naturlige duft var pragtfuld :)
Mvh Lana