How to: Calm Steam Face Tea

Make your own stunning cosmetics products with shea butter! Click the picture below for details.


Pepper7 said…
Lovely ! You have the most beautiful presentations. I'm a visual person, so I appreciate how gorgeous you make your products look. I was making face tea back when I was teenager suffering from acne. However what I made was a poor representation of a face tea. I read in a magazine how streaming your face could open up your pores. I would throw in whatever my mother had in her cabinets (herbs & spices) because at the time, I figured It couldn't hurt. My tea consisted of pepper, basil and parsley. It looked and smelt more like soup ! ��
LisaLise said…
Oh Margi I love your soup depiction! You have me chuckling over here! Thanks for your lovely compliments about my pictures. I must admit I enjoy the photography part as well as the formulating part and lab part.. oh heck, I enjoy all of it!

Have a great weekend. :)
Signe said…
What a great idea! I've been wondering how I could use empty glass tubes I got left from vanilla beans, and now I know it! :D Thanks, Lise!
María said…
What a lovely idea! The simpler, the better. Beautiful plants, beautiful presentation, amazing properties... Just a win-win situation ;)
LisaLise said…
@Signe -- this is not from a vanilla pod - it's somewhat bigger - but that idea does sound perfect for a single use gift!

@Maria - thank you for your always thoughtful and pleasant comments :)
Unknown said…
I make face tea using
LisaLise said…
Hi Unknown-- that sounds absolutely lovely! Thanks for sharing