The Connection Between Itchy Scalp, Hair Dye, and Artificial Sweeteners


Signe said…
Do you know if adding this sweetener will affect to colouring results? I was wondering it might if you are changing ph levels?

And no you have any advise what might help itchiness if you are not dyeing your hair with commercial hair colours? I've a very itchy scalp, that is better when I started to use my own shampoo bars and stopped dyeing my hair, but it is still itchy.
Jenn in GR said…
Interesting article! Sweet and Low? That's cray-cray. How about if one has itchy scalp, but does not use permanent color, or only uses semi-permanent color a couple of times a year? Im asking for a friend.... ;)
Olivia J said…
I use Sweet and Lo in haircoloring. Even though there is really no substantial proof, but people say it acts like and anti-histamine. I add anywhere from 2 to 6 packets depending on the haircoloring and this could be any type from permanent to demi-permanent. I also have to say, with permanent and demi permanent haircolor, itchiness will occur because of the peroxide burns on the scalp. If you ever got haircoloring peroxide on your fingers, the burn is slight but annoying; I always sprayed vinegar to neutralize the burn.

LisaLise said…
Hi Signe - As far as I understand, adding the sweeteners does not affect the quality of the colouring.

As for battling itchiness on the scalp - Do you make your own products? If so, you might try a combination of these ingredients: lavender, panthenol, aloe vera, peppermint (in small amounts, peppermint can be quite soothing).

Best of luck with it - and do let me know how it goes!
LisaLise said…
Hi Jenn in GR - Yup, it is definitely something that had me wondering about as well. Again - there are no studies on this, but there does seem to be a consensus that it works.

I believe the sweet and low is equally soothing in semi permanent colours as well -Check Olivia's comment below where it looks like she has added this to semi permanent colouring as well
LisaLise said…
Hi Olivia - Wow - you've really had this issue up close and personal - this is some interesting input. I'm curious as to the vinegar spray - does this affect the hair colouring in any way?
Signe said…
Hi, Lise! I actually don't use much more than my home-made shampoo bar and vinegar rinse anymore, and sometimes I dye with henna. But I'll try those in some form - in shampoo bars it will take long time before I can test them, but I'll try.
Anonymous said…
Adding artificial sweetener such as sweet and low has not helped me in the least. If you are allergic to permanent hair dye that has PPD in it nothing is going to help except stop using the very sad
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon - I'm sorry to hear you haven't had success with this. You are absolutely correct in that an allergy to PPD cannot be helped 'after the fact'.
Unknown said…
Just dyed my hair 3 days ago and used sweet n low (3pkts) and amazing no itch, but, of course the minute you mentioned this I itched not as much as before, it really works...
LisaLise said…
Hey there Y Schaefer - great to hear that this worked. Did the color come out as you expected as well?
Unknown said…
FYI...I know someone that puts 2 packets of sweet and low in her shampoo, mix well. And her hair is thickening up. The lady's in my family is going to try this immediately
LisaLise said…
Hi Melinda - oh that's interesting! It would be interesting to investigate this in more detail.
Jenny Mertes said…
I've suffered from a severe PPD allergy for years. My hairdresser tried doing foil lowlights, but even the tiny bit of dye touching my scalp with foils made me break out in a horrible, itchy, welty massive reaction. A tiny drop of dye in my inner elbow (patch test) would cause a one-inch swollen, crusty welt that lasted a week. So I decided to go blonde because highlights and toner don't affect my skin at all, and I refuse to go grey. My hairdresser just heard about the Sweet and Low trick and tried it on me yesterday. I had her add lowlights back in (I really don't want to be blonde), and dang! No reaction. So I'm going to have her gradually try a bit more each time with Sweet and Low until I'm back to my normal color. This is amazing!
Marta Rosa said…
Have anyone tried any other sweetener or something like a soda or citrus?? Soda has a lot of sweetener and has low pH. Please write if anyone has tried.
Unknown said…
In case this may help those who suffer in the same way. I suffered from a very itchy scalp for years. It was all the time with no relief. I eventually discovered, after starting to make all my own cosmetics including shampoo and conditioner, that it was down to the pH of the product. I now have an itch-free scalp for the first time in years due to making my own hair products with a pH between 4.5 and 5.5. I add citric acid at the end and check with my pH meter. I'm guessing one could add citric acid to bought products to lower the pH but don't quote me!
LisaLise said…
Hi Heather - great input! Thanks for sharing :D
:( said…
Hey guys, it really works! I am a hair colorist and I actually mix seeet in low on bleach, to be applied on scalp and it really helps with the echo g and burning and it doesn't alter the outcome of the color :)
Anonymous said…
Hey! Im in Canada and Sugar twin works! I could never leave hair dye in for as long as it should have been, due to burning and itching. I was so scared it was damaging my scalp. I added sugar twin (thanks internet)and voila! No more burning. I added 2 packets and was told that up to 3 will not cause a change in color.
Happy coloring.
LisaLise said…
Hey there Anon - that's great! Thanks for sharing this :)
Noelle Hirst said…
My hairdresser uses one packet of sweet and low in my hair color and it really cuts down on my itchy scalp. It truly works and it does not affect the final result at all.
LisaLise said…
Thanks for sharing Noelle!
Anonymous said…
I can't find Sweet n Low in my country but cream of tartar is available. Do you think it'll will work just as well and how much should I add in? I hope you have some good news for me as I'm at my scalp itch is getting worse every time I touch up my roots
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon — Have you tried googling the ingredients for Sweet n Low?
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon — saccharin, dextrose and cream of tartare are the main ingredients. If you can source some saccharin and dextrose you could do your own mix and give it a try. Alternatively— if you are looking to relieve itchy scalp after having dyed your hair you might find some relief from the rhassoul hair mask listed on the How To page on this blog. Best of luck with it!
Anonymous said…
I am very allergic to hair dye. Unfortunately, sweet and low doesn't work for me. My scalp still was very red and itchy. I had to forgo the hair dye. The itch was too severe.
LisaLise said…
Hey there Anon - Thanks for sharing this. I do believe you are the first person to comment that this doesn't work for you. I hope you find a solution!
Alexandra said…
Is it only Sweet and Low that will work (saccharin)? What about Equal or Splenda, which use aspartame and stevia?
LisaLise said…
Hi Alexandra - I’m pretty sure it is the exact composition of Sweet and Low that makes the magic. That said, you might give an alternative product a try and see how it goes. Best of luck!
Unknown said…
Hi Alexandra, I use Great Value, Walmart brand, made with sucralose in my hair dye & it works great! So my assumption would be to look for sucralose & you’ll be ok. By the way I’m totally gray & love using L’Oréal Smokey blue on my hair. Almost had to give it up because of the itching. Not now! And I love the shine & boldness of the color. The color lasts very well. Also adding a few drops , 6-10, lavender oil to your conditioner and leaving it on, after massaging it in, will feel great too. Rinse it out as normal.
Path said…
Hi unknown, I too have gray hair & love the L’Oréal smoky blue color. When I first used it I itched so bad I thought I’d have to stop. But one of the hair stylists told me to use sweet n low. I also used great value’s brand & am proud to say it works just like they say & I save money by using the store brand.
LisaLise said…
Hi Path - thanks for sharing!
Path said…
Oh and as far as the color it stays just as beautiful as it should. The shine is brilliant and I still get the same amount of time between coloring.
KSS said…
My hairstylist has used Sweet and Low in my color for years. Approximately 8 packets. The color always looks wonderful.Recently I have been experiencing large amounts of hair loss. We really cant figure this out. It's not breakage. Does anyone know if they have changed their formulation or if hair loss has been noted as a side effect?
LisaLise said…
Hello KS - Oh dear! This sounds like a very big problem. I do not know if they have changed their formula, but my first thought is to visit a doctor to be sure the hair loss isn't related to anything else. Wishing you the best of luck.
Kathy W. said…
My hair stylist starting using sweet & low in my color as my scalp would get extremely itch during the process. It has worked wonderfully for me. After coloring my scalp would be very itchy. I mentioned it to her and she knew of adding the sweetener. It is so nice to get a color and not have an itchy scalp. It also did not affect the color or my hair or how long it lasted befor the next visit. Give it a try and you’ll be happy you did 😊
LisaLise said…
HI Kathy -So glad this worked for you - Thanks for sharing!
Carol said…
I had my first hair dye with sweet n low after having severe itching. It
worked and the color is the same. I can't tell you how great it is.

LisaLise said…
HI Carol - so glad to hear it helped!
Unknown said…
Everyone is mentioning about how sweet in low helps with the itch but does it help with the burning sensation too??? Appreciate your feedback!
LisaLise said…
Hey there Unknown - if you are experiencing a burning sensation then I think it might be a more serious reaction to the hair colorants. I can only advise visiting your doctor (and I would stop using the product right away). Best of luck with it!
Anonymous said…
I developed a hair dye allergy about 9 years ago. I used to cringe when I had to dye my hair, until the point I could no longer dye it anymore. That was until a friend of mine who is a hairdresser mentioned sweet and low. Since that moment I have never had an issue with hair dye. I do have to say goldwell seems to pose a lesser reaction as well.
Lata Balani said…
I have been adding sugar free to my hair dye
past 18 months.
It has really worked on my hair well
and doesn't effect the colour at all.
But recently I have again developed allergy
itching and irritation in my scalpe after
few hours.
So I am wondering what to do now?
Any suggestions please let me know.
LisaLise said…
Hello Lata Thanks for your comment. Without knowing more about your hair type and scalp condition, and hair dying process it is difficult to suggest anything. My initial thought is to take a break form dying and perhaps try a soothing clay hair mask using rhassoul clay. If you search the blog here there is a how to. Best of luck!
Unknown said…
Hello Ladies, my colorist used cream of tartar on my hair last time and it was terrific....even better than the 3 packs of pink sweetener. No itch at all. Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed.
LisaLise said…
HI Unknown-- thanks so much for sharing!
Greatful said…
Thanks for that great news. Can you use sweet and low in your shampoo too? Ty

LisaLise said…
Hi Greatful -- that's a great question. I wish I could answer but I don't know.
Anonymous said…
Hello Everyone!

When I finished cosmetology school in 1997, I apprenticed at a high-end salon that used sweet n' low while bleaching.

Also, my neighbor was a hairdresser who bleached my hair when I was 14 (circa 1994) and she also used S&L on my scalp!

I wonder how long this has been a "thing?"

My hair pulls a lot of red and 30 volume is not strong enough-so I have to use 40 volume with bleach to get my hair perfectly platinum without a toner.

I cannot tolerate the smell of ammonia!!!!!!!
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon - Wow it does sound like this workaround has been around for quite a while-- thanks so much for your comment. I
Unknown said…
Hi everyone !

I am currently in school for hair . And today I was dying a clients hair and she requested that I put sweetener (sweet n low) in the dye before putting it on her scalp . I was taken back by this , as I’ve never heard of this trick ever . I asked my teacher and she said it’s common for people with sensitive itchy scalps to do this .

It worked like a charm , clients scalp was not red and irritated from the hair dye ( she said it usually was when dying hair ), it caused no color change in the dye and process time was normal .

So for those who want to try it , I recommend it!

J from Canada 🇨🇦
LisaLise said…
Hey there J - Thanks so much for sharing! :D
Anonymous said…
Do you know if the pink Equal packet has the same amount of ingredients as Sweet n Low? I have the pink Equal which is the saccharin one
like Sweet n Low. I wonder if the pink Equal will be as effective as Sweet n Low?
LisaLise said…
Hi Anon. I wish I could answer you but i don’t live in the USA, and i believe these are American products.
Anonymous said…
Hi ! Just found your article. Recently, my hairdresser used this method, but I noticed the solution she made was very lumpy. It wasn’t mixed well or dissolved. Does it have to be dissolved to be effective? Thank you.
LisaLise said…
HI Anon -- I haven't worked with this so I'm not sure if lumpiness is important or not. Sorry!